Chapter 6 State-Space Design
© National Instruments Corporation 6-29 Xmath Control Design Module
all the eigenvalues of the system A matrix are negative. The discrete
Lyapunov equation is:
Analogously, the preceding equation has a unique solution X when
λi(A)λj(A) 1 for all i and j. Again, this means that a unique X exists for a
stable discrete-time system matrix A, because all eigenvalues of A have
absolute value less than 1 in this case.
You can use the Lyapunov equation to compute the state covariance matrix
of a stable system with white noise input, as illustrated in [BH75]. For a
continuous-time state-space system described by
and supplied with zero-mean white noise ω(t) having covariance Q:
the state covariance X=E[xx'] is given by the differential Lyapunov
For the discrete-time system described by
the white noise input covariance is defined as in the continuous case, using
a Kronecker rather than a Dirac delta.
For this case, the state covariance matrix X arises from the solution of the
discrete Lyapunov equation:
After you have obtained the state covariance, you can obtain the output
covariance Y easily. Whether you are using the following equation for the
continuous case:
·Ax Bu+=
·AX XA'BQB'++=