© National Instruments Corporation I-1 Xmath Control Design Module
abcd, 1-16, 2-8
adjoint system, 3-3
afeedback, 3-4
append, 3-6
appending dynamic systems, 3-6
autocorrelation function, 5-20
balance, 6-35
bilinear transform, 2-14
default frequency range
(deffreqrange), 5-10
format, 5-8
frequency analysis, 5-7
plots, 5-7
bode, 5-10
cancel, 2-2
cascaded systems, 5-21
Cauchy’s principle, 5-15
caution, A-1
check, 1-5, 4-6
convert keyword, 2-12
with system objects, 2-12
choosing a sample rate, 1-18
closed-loop system
eigenvalues, 6-14
simulate performance, 1-23
combinepf, 4-9
direct, in predictor form, 6-22
LQG, 6-21
connect, 3-8
connection, 3-1
parallel, 3-1, 3-2
series, 3-2
using * operator, 1-16, 3-2
constant gain feedback, 3-8
constant magnitude and phase loci, 5-14
continuous equivalent to a discrete system, 2-18
continuous system, 4-13
analysis, 2-7
checking for, 2-12
continuous time Riccati equation, 6-13, 6-25
controllability, 6-4, 6-35
grammians, 6-30
matrix, 6-2
controllable, 6-3
controllable partition of a state-space system, 6-3
conventions used in the manual, iv
coordinate transformation, 6-7
corner frequency, 5-12
cross-spectral density, 5-20
decibel gain, 5-8, 5-16
deffreqrange, 5-10
deftimerange, 4-15
delay time, td, 4-18
function, 6-17
impulse, 5-20
diagnostic tools (NI resources), B-1
Riccati equation, 6-13, 6-20
system, 2-4, 4-13
analysis, 2-7
checking for, 2-12