© National Instruments Corporation G-7 Measurement Studio for MCC User Manual
scatter graph A control that displays two-dimensional data on a Windows Forms or Web
Forms user interface; displays a graph of X and Y data pairs.
scope See oscilloscope.
serial Standard serial bus on a computer used to communicate with instruments.
Also known as RS-232.
slide A control used to input or display numerical data.
slider Moveable part of a slide control.
smart tag A glyph attached to a Measurement Studio control or component that
exposes commonly performed tasks.
switch A control used to receive and control Boolean input in an application user
synchronous Property or operation that begins and returns control to the program only
when the operation is complete.
Ttank A control used to input or display numerical data.
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A standard format for
transferring data in packets from one computer to another. The two parts of
TCP/IP are TCP, which deals with the construction of data pockets, and IP,
which routes them from computer to computer.
thermometer A control used to input or display numerical data.
UUI User Interface.
uplevel browser Recent generation Web browser that supports rich client interaction and
functionality. See also downlevel browser.