© National Instruments Corporation G-1 Measurement Studio for MCC User Manual
analog I/O Reading or writing data in continuously variable physical quantities, such
as voltage or current.
annotate Adding text, arrows, or shapes to describe or highlight a point or region on
a graph.
API Application Programming Interface. A specification of software functions
and their input and return parameters.
array control An array of Measurement Studio user interface controls that behave as a
single unit.
assembly A collection of one or more files that are versioned and deployed as a unit.
An assembly is the primary building block of a .NET Framework
application. All managed types and resources are contained within an
assembly and are marked either as accessible only within the assembly or
as accessible from code in other assemblies.
asynchronous Function that begins an operation and returns control to the program prior
to the completion or termination of the operation.
button A control used to input or display Boolean information or to initiate an
action in a program.
chart To append new data points to the end of an existing plot over time.
client callback In Web Forms, page calls back to the server without fully posting back.
Callbacks are asynchronous and are accomplished with XML-HTTP.
Client callbacks do not include postback data, and they do not force the
page to refresh. Client callbacks do require a browser that supports the
XML-HTTP protocol.