Chapter 2 Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition .NET Class Libraries
Measurement Studio for MCC User Manual 2-2
The Measurement Studio Analysis .NET class library is in the
NationalInstruments.Analysis namespace. The Analysis class
library includes a set of classes that provides various digital signal
processing, signal filtering, signal generation, peak detection, and other
general mathematical functionality. Use this library to analyze acquired
data or to generate data.
The Analysis class library includes the following functionality:
Sawtooth, sine, square, triangle, and basic function wave generators.
Bessel, Chebyshev, Inverse Chebyshev, Windowed, Kaiser, and
Elliptic Low, High, Bandpass, and Bandstop filters
Signal processing functions such as convolution, deconvolution,
correlation, decimation, integration, and differentiation
FFT, Inverse FFT, Real FFT, Fast Hartley, Inverse Fast Hartley, Fast
Hilbert, Inverse Fast Hilbert, DST, Inverse DST, DCT, and Inverse
DCT transformations
Linear algebra functions such as determinant, check positive
definiteness, calculate dot product, and other various matrix functions
Scaled and unscaled windowing classes
Common statistical functions such as mean, median, mode, and
Exponential, linear, and polynomial curve fitting functions
Signal generation functions
Refer to the following lists to determine the type of measurements available
in the Analysis .NET libraries.


Impulse Response Function
Network Functions (avg)

Signal Generation

Arbitrary Wave
Chirp Pattern
Gaussian White Noise
Sine Pattern