Chapter 4 Getting Started with Measurement Studio
© National Instruments Corporation 4-9 Measurement Studio for MCC User Manual
12. Select the Format Mode property and in the Numeric Edit Format
Mode Editor dialog box, change the Precision to 4.
13. Select File»Save Form1.cs to save your application.
14. Select Debug»Start Without Debugging to run the application.
15. After your program builds and runs, click Start. Notice the graph
shows the data plot, and the gauge and the numeric edit display the
mean of the data.
16. The following screenshot shows Form1 with customization.
Walkthrough: Creating a Measurement Studio Measurement Computing DAQ Application in Visual Studio .NET 2003
Measurement Studio includes class library and application templates that
you can use to quickly create Measurement Computing DAQ applications
with Visual Basic .NET and Visual C#. Refer to the following section,
Walkthrough: Creating a Measurement Studio Measurement Computing
DAQ Application in Visual Studio .NET 2003, for step-by-step instructions
on how to create a Measurement Studio Measurement Computing DAQ
Measurement Studio Measurement Computing Edition includes user
interface controls, such as a meter control, and Measurement Computing
DAQ functionality such as analog input and digital I/O. This walkthrough
is designed to help you learn how to add Measurement Computing DAQ