©NationalInstruments Corp. 11 FP-PS-4Operating Instructions
Where to Go for Support
Formore information about setting up your FieldPoint system,
referto these National Instruments documents:
YourFieldPoint network module user manual
Yourother FieldPoint I/O module operating instructions
YourFieldPoint terminal base operating instructions
Goto ni.com/support for the most current manuals, examples,
andtroubleshooting information.
Fortelephone support in the United States, create your service
requestat ni.com/ask and follow the calling instructions or dial
512795 8248. For telephone support outside the United States,
contactyour local branch office:
Australia03 9879 5166, Austria 0662 45 79 90 0,
Belgium02 757 00 20, Brazil 011 284 5011,
Canada(Calgary) 403 274 9391, Canada (Montreal) 514 288 5722,
Canada(Ottawa) 613 233 5949, Canada (Québec) 514 694 8521,
Canada(Toronto) 905 785 0085, China (Shanghai) 021 6555 7838,
China(ShenZhen) 0755 3904939, Czech Republic 02 2423 5774,
Denmark45 76 26 00, Finland 09 725 725 11, France 01 48 14 24 24,
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Israel03 6120092, Italy 02 413091, Japan 03 5472 2970,
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Mexico001 800 010 0793, Netherlands 0348 433466,
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Poland0 22 528 94 06, Portugal 351 1 726 9011,
Russia095 2387139, Singapore 2265886, Slovenia 386 3 425 4200,
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