Appendix D Register Map and Descriptions
© National Instruments Corporation D-35 Lab-PC+ User Manual
Port B Register
Reading the Port B Register returns the logic state of the eight digital I/O lines constituting
Port B, that is, PB<0..7>. If Port B is configured for output, the Port B Register can be written to
in order to control the eight digital I/O lines constituting Port B. See Programming the Digital
I/O Circuitry in Appendix E, Register-Level Programming, for information on how to configure
Port B for input or output.
Address: Base address + 11 (hex)
Type: Read-and-write
Word Size: 8-bit
Bit Map:
7654 3210
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Bit Name Description
7-0 D<7..0> 8-bit Port B data.