Appendix E Windows 2000/NT: CommonQuestions
NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows E-2
How can I determine which type of GPIB hardware I have installed?
Select Start»Programs»National Instruments NI-488.2»Explore GPIB
and expand the Devices and Interfaces directory by clicking on the + next
to the folder.
Measurement & Automation Explorer lists your installed GPIB hardware
under Devices and Interfaces.
How many GPIB interfaces can I configure for use with the NI-488.2
You can configure the NI-488.2 software to communicate with up to four
GPIB interfaces.
How many devices can I configure for use with the NI-488.2 software?
You can configure the NI-488.2 software to use up to 100 logical devices.
The default number of devices is 32.
Are interrupts and DMA required with the NI-488.2 software?
Interrupts are required, but DMA is not.
How can I determine if my GPIB hardware and the NI-488.2 software
are installed properly?
Run the NI-488.2 Troubleshooting Wizard. To do so, select Start»
Programs»National Instruments NI-488.2»Explore GPIB. Then, select
Help»Troubleshooting»NI-488.2 Troubleshooting Wizard.
How can I start communicating with my GPIB instrument?
For simple instrument communication, use the NI-488.2 Communicator.
For instructions on how to use the NI-488.2 Communicator, refer to the
Basic Communication (Query/Write/Read) section in Chapter 2,
Measurement & Automation Explorer.
When should I use the Interactive Control utility?
You can use the Interactive Control utility to test and verify instrument
communication, troubleshoot problems, and develop your application.
Formore informat ion , refer to Chapter6, Interactive Control Utili ty.