Chapter 6 Interactive Control Utility
NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows 6-8
ibsic Send interface clear
ibsre v Set/clear remote enable line
ibstop Abort asynchronous operation
ibtmo v Change/disable time limit
ibwait mask Wait for selected event where mask is a hex or decimal integer or a list
ofm ask bit mnemonics, such as ibwait TIMO CMPL
ibwrt wrtbuf Write data
ibwrta wrtbuf Write data asynchronously
ibwrtf flname Write data from a file where flname is pathname of file to write
Table 6-3. Syntax for Multi-Device NI-488.2 Calls in Interactive Control
Syntax Description
AllSpoll addrlist Serial poll multiple devices
DevClear address Clear a device
DevClearList addrlist Clear multiple devices
EnableLocal addrlist Enable local control
EnableRemote addrlist Enable remote control
FindLstn padlist limit Find all Listeners
FindRQS addrlist Find device asserting SRQ
PassControl address Pass control to a device
PPoll Parallel poll devices
PPollConfig address dataline
lineSense Configure device for parallel poll
PPollUnconfig addrlist Unconfigure device for parallel poll
RcvRespMsg count termination Receive response message
ReadStatusByte address Serial poll a device
Receive address count termination Receive data from a device
Table 6-2. Syntax for Board-Level Traditional NI-488.2 Calls in Interactive Control (Continued)
Syntax Description