Chapter 2 Measurement & Automation Explorer
© National Instruments Corporation 2-3 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
b. When the NI-488.2 Software for Windows screen appears, select
the View Documentation option, as shown in Figure2-2.
Figure 2-2. Viewing Documentation on Your CD
The View Documentation Wizard helps you find the
documentation that you want to view.
2. Use the NI-488.2 Getting Started Wizard to verify the installation and
establish basic communication with your GPIB instruments.
Note After you install the NI-488.2 software and restart your system, the NI-488.2
Getting Started Wizard runs automatically. To start it within Measurement & Automation
Explorer, select Measurement & Automation in the left window pane and select
Help»Getting Started»NI-488.2 Getting Started Wizard.
After you install the NI-488.2 software and your GPIB hardware, you can
run an existing NI-488.2 application or develop a new NI-488.2