Chapter 6 Interactive Control Utility
© National Instruments Corporation 6-3 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
5. After you successfully complete ibdev, you have a ud prompt. The
new prompt, ud0, represents a device-level handle that you can use for
further NI-488.2 calls. To clear the device, use ibclr, as follows:
ud0: ibclr
[0100] (cmpl)
6. To write data to the device, use ibwrt. Make sure that you refer to the
documentation that came with your GPIB instrument for recognized
command messages.
ud0: ibwrt
enter string: "*IDN?"
[0100] (cmpl)
count: 5
Or, equivalently:
ud0: ibwrt "*IDN?"
[0100] (cmpl)
count: 5
7. To read data from your device, use ibrd. The data that is read from the
instrument is displayed. For example, to read 29bytes, enter the
ud0: ibrd
enter byte count: 29
[0100] (cmpl)
count: 29
46 4C 55 4B 45 2C 20 34 FLUKE, 4
35 2C 20 34 37 39 30 31 5, 47901
37 33 2C 20 31 2E 36 20 73, 1.6
44 31 2E 30 0A D.10.
Or, equivalently:
ud0: ibrd 29
[0100] (cmpl)
count: 29
46 4C 55 4B 45 2C 20 34 FLUKE, 4
35 2C 20 34 37 39 30 31 5, 47901
37 33 2C 20 31 2E 36 20 73, 1.6
44 31 2E 30 0A D.10.
8. When you finish communicating with the device, make sure you put it
offline using the ibonl command, as follows:
ud0: ibonl 0
[0100] (cmpl)