© National Instruments Corporation C-1 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows

Error Codes and Solutions

This appendix lists a description of each error, some conditions under
which it might occur, and possible solutions.
TableC-1 lists the GPIB error codes.
Table C-1. GPIB Error Codes
Mnemonic iberr
Valu e Meaning
EDVR 0System error
ECIC 1Function requires GPIB interface to be CIC
ENOL 2No Listeners on the GPIB
EADR 3GPIB interface not addressed correctly
EARG 4Invalid argument to function call
ESAC 5GPIB interface not System Controller as
EABO 6I/O operation aborted (timeout)
ENEB 7Nonexistent GPIB interface
EDMA 8DMA error
EOIP 10 Asynchronous I/O in progress
ECAP 11 No capability for operation
EFSO 12 File system error
EBUS 14 GPIB bus error
ESTB 15 Serial poll status byte queue overflow
ESRQ 16 SRQ stuck in ON position
ETAB 20 Table problem