Chapter2 NI2590/2591 Operation
©NationalInstruments Corporation 2-7 NI2590/2591 User Manual
intervention.You can configure the switch module to process the scan list
once or to continuously loop through the scan list.
PXI Interface
Youcan configure and contro ly ourNI 2590/2591s witch module through
the PXI interface, taking advantage of PXI features. The NI 2590/2591
usest he PXI TTL triggers to synchronize scanning with a measurement
device such as the NI 5102 (PXI) 20 MS/s oscilloscope, or the NI 5411
forPX I arbitrary waveform generator.

PXI Triggers

External TriggerInput

The NI 2590/2591 can use an external trigger input to advance between
scansetups in a scan list. Using the driver software, you can configure the
switchmodule to route the external trigger from any of the PXI TTL trigger
lines or the PXI star trigger. Alternatively, you can use a software
command to trigger the switch module.
All externaltrigger lines are compati ble with TTL voltagelevels and are
edge sensitive.The minimum pulse w idth from the PXI TTL triggers and
PXI star trigger is 70 ns.

Scanner Advanced

The NI 2590/2591 can generate a scanner advanced trigger to indicate
when the switch module is set up and ready to take measurements. Using
the driver software, you can configure the switch module to route the
scannera dvanced (SCANADV) trigger to any PXI TTL trigger line or to
the PXI star trigger. You can configure the switch module to generate the
SCANADV trigger when a relay has settled (or debounced).
Because the NI 2590/2591h as open-collector driverson the PXI TTL
triggerlines, you can have multiple switch modules using the same trigger
line in the multiboard SCANADVmode.