AppendixA Specificationsfor NI 2590
NI2590/2591 User Man ual A-2
VSWR at:
<100 MHz.......................................<1.15
<500 MHz.......................................<1.35
<1.3 GHz........................................< 1.5
<500 MHz.......................................<62 dB
<1.3 GHz........................................< 50 dB
Risetime..................................................< 300 ps
Signald elay ............................................<3 ns
Maximum RF carry power
at900 MHz .............................................10 W
Note Refer to the cautions and warning in the RF Switching Precautions and Contact
Protectionsection sof Chapt er1, Routing S ignals with Your NI 2590/2591, for important
information about using your NI 2590/2591 with high-power signals.
Dynamic Characteristics
Relay operate time (at 20 °C)
Typical.............................................15m s
Relay release time (at 20 °C)
Typical.............................................15m s
Expected life
Mechanical(no load).......................5 × 106 operations
Electricalat maximum
switchingcapacity ...........................105operations
Caution Exceeding themaximum switching capability will decrease the expected life
of the NI 2590/2591.
PXI Bus Interface