NI2590/2591 User Man ual G-4
Rrandom scanning scanning the channels in a mux in any order
reflectiveswitch aswitch architecture in which theunused channels are NOT terminated in
thecharacteristic im pedance of the system. The unused channels are open
relay asw itch that connects or disconnects the signal to a common through the
physicalmovement of a metal arm
rms rootmean square—the square root of the average value of the square of the
instantaneous signal amplitude; a measure of signal amplitude
Ss seconds
scan the data acquisition of signals connected to multiple channels of a
multiplexer.Typically, the measurement device uses a trigger to advance
the multiplexerto the next channel in the scan.
scanlist al ist ofchan nels supplied to NI-Switch that indicates the order in which
channelsw ill be scanned
the trigger generated bythe switch m odule when scanning. The trigger
occursafter the switch module has closed a switch and the switch has
SCC switch control circuitry
SMB sub-miniaturesnap-on connector
soft front panel ag raphical program included with NI-Switch that you can use to
interactivelycontrol the sw itch
Ttrigger anyevent that causes or starts some form of data capture
TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic