©NationalInstruments Corporation 1-1 NI2590/2591 User Manual
Routing Signalswith Your NI 2590/2591
This manual describes the electrical and mechanicalcharacteristics ofthe
NI2 590, a 1 × 4, 50 , 1.3GHz multiplexer module, and the NI 2591,
a1×4, 50 , 4.0GHz multiplexer module, for the PXI bus. It contains
information concerning their installation and operation.

About the NI 2590/2591

This section summarizes the features and operation of the NI 2590/2591
switchmodule; referto Chapter2 , NI 2590/2591 Operation,formore
complete details. In addition, refer to Appendix A, Specifications,
fordetailed s pecificationsof the switch module.
The NI25 90/2591 are general-purpose, 4-channel, high-bandwidth
multiplexing switches.
TheNI 2590uses single-pole double-throw high-bandwidth relays capable
ofswitching signals from DC to 1.3 GHz. The characteristic impedance of
thechannels is 50 Ω. The maximum rated voltage of the switch is 24 VDC,
andthe maximum rated current is 1 ADC.
The NI 2591 uses a self-contained relay module consisting of three
high-bandwidthrelays capable of switching signals from DC to 4 GHz. The
characteristicimpedance of the channels is 50 Ω. The maximum rated DC
voltageof the mo dule is 30 V.The maximum rated current is 0.33 A.


Twotriggers are used for handshaking between the NI 2590/2591switches
andother PXI instruments. The scanner advancedtrigger indicates when
the module hasclosed all the necessary switches for the next scan and the
switches have settled, or debounced.