AppendixA Specificationsfor NI 2591
©NationalInstruments Corporation A-5 NI2590/2591 User Manual
Note Referto the safety information in Chapter 2,NI 2 590/2591 Operation, for important
information about using your NI 2591 with high-power signals.
Dynamic Characteristics
Relay operate time (at 20 °C)
Typical............................................ 15 ms
Relay release time (at 20 °C)
Typical............................................ 15 ms
Expected life
Mechanical(no load)...................... 5 × 106 operations
Electricalat maximum
switchingcapacity ...........................105operations
Caution Exceeding themaximum switching capability will decrease the expected life of
the NI 2591.
Power Requirement
+5 VDC
Maximum (all relays c losed) .......... 250 mW
Weight....................................................1.1 kg
Dimensions.............................................10 by 16 by 4 cm
I/O connector..........................................5 SMA female per bank
Operatingtemperature..........................0 to 50 °C
Storagetemperature..............................20to 70 °C
Relative humidity...................................5 to 85% noncondensing