©NationalInstruments Corporation A-1 NI5620 User Manual


Thisap pendix lists the specifications of the NI 5620. These specifications
are typical at 25 °C unless otherwisespecified.

General Specifications

Numberof channels ............................... 1
Resolution.............................................. 14 bits
Maxsample rate .....................................64 MS/s (also integer
divisions of 64 MS/s)
Onboard memory
UsingDDC (complexdata) ............ 8 MS
Notu singDDC ............................... 16 MS


Signall evel
Nominal.......................................... 0 dBm (±0.316 V)
Full-Scale........................................+10 dBm (±1.000 V)
Maxwith dither enabled ................. +9 dBm (±0.891 V)
Max non-operating input level........+20 dB m (±3.16 V)
MaxDC input voltage .....................±2 V
Inputimpedance ..................................... 50
Fully specified frequency range.............5 to 25 MHz
Analog bandwidth (3 dB range)...........25 kHz to 36 MHz