NI5620 User Manual G-8 ©NationalInstruments Corporation
the percentagethat a measurement will vary according to temperature.
See also thermal drift.
thermald rift measurements that change as the temperature varies
thermalE MFs thermalelectromotive forcesvoltages generated at the junctions of
dissimilar metals that are functions of temperature. Also called
thermoelectric potentials.
See thermal EMFs.
TIO timing input/output. The engine used for timing and control.
transferrate the rate,measured in bytes/s, at which data is moved from source to
destinationafter software initialization and set up operations; the maximum
rateat which the hardware can operate
trigger anyevent that causes or starts some form of data capture
TTL transistor-transistorlogic. A digital circuit composed of bipolar transistors
wired ina certain manner.
V volts
VAC voltsalternating cur rent
VDC voltsdirect current
Verror voltageerror
verticalsensitivity the smallest voltagechange a device can detect
VI virtual instrument(1) a combination of hardware and/or software
elements,t ypicallyused with a PC, that has the functionality of a classic
stand-alone instrument (2) a LabVIEW software module (VI), which
consists of a front panel user interface and a block diagram program
Vrms volts,root mean square value