NI5620 User Manual G-4 ©NationalInstruments Corporation
drivers software that controlsa specific hardware instrument
DSP digital signal processor
EEPROM electrically erasable programmabler ead-only memoryROMthat can be
erased with an electricalsignal and reprogrammed
FFT fast Fourier transform
filtering atype of signal conditioning that allows you to remove unwanted signals or
frequencycomponen tsf rom the signal you are trying to measure
gain the factor by which a signal is amplified, sometimes expressed in decibels
hardware the physical components of a computer system, such as the circuit boards,
plug-in boards, chassis, enclosures, peripherals,cables, and so on
harmonics multiplesof the fundamental frequency of a signal
Hz hertzthe number of scansr eado r updatesw ritten per second
I/O input/outputthe transfer of data to/from a computer system involving
communications channels, operatorinterface devices, and/or data
acquisitiona nd controli nterfaces
impedance resistance
in. inch or inches
inductance the relationship of induced voltageto current