NI5620 User Manual G-2 ©NationalInstruments Corporation
ACcoupled allowingthe transmission of AC signals while blocking DC signals
ADC analog-to-digital converteranelectronic device, often an integrated
circuit, that convertsan analog voltage to a digital number
ADC resolution the resolution of the ADC, which is measured in bits. An ADC with
16 bits has a higher resolution, and thus a higher degree of accuracy,
than a 12-bit ADC.
ADE application development environment
alias afalse lower frequency component that appears in sampled data acquired
at too lowa sampling rate
amplification atype of signal conditioning that improves accuracy in the resulting
digitized signal and reduces noise
amplitude flatness ameasure of how close to constant the gain of a circuit remains over a range
offrequ encies
analog bandwidth the range of frequencies to which a measuring device can respond
attenuate todecrease the amplitude of a signal
bbitone binary digit, either 0 or 1
Bbyteeight related bits of data, an eight-bit binary number.Also used to
denote the amount of memory required to store one byte of data.
bus thegroup of conductors that interconnect individual circuitry in a computer.
Typically,a bus is the expansion vehicle to which I/O or other devices are
connected. An example of the PC bus is the PCI bus.
CMOS complementary metaloxide semiconductor. A process used in making