AppendixA Specifications
NI5911 User Manual A-8 ni.com
Operating EnvironmentNote Multiple NI 5911s in the same computer may raise operating temperatures beyond
specificationand give rise to imprecise data. NI strongly recommends leaving an empty
PCI slot between multiple NI 5911s or adding a fan.
Ambienttemperature ..............................5 to 40 °C
Relative humidity ...................................10%to 90%, noncondensing
Storage EnvironmentAmbienttemperature ..............................–20 to 65 °C
EMC ComplianceCE2001, FCC
CalibrationInternal....................................................Internal calibration is done upon
softwarecommand. The
calibration involves gain, offset
and linearitycorrection for all
input ranges and input modes.
Interval.............................................1week, or any time temperature
changesbeyond ±5 °C. Hardware
detects temperature variations
beyond calibration limits, which
can also be queried by software.
External...................................................Internalreference requires
Warm-uptime .........................................1 minute