Chapter 1 Introduction
© National Instruments Corporation 1-7 NI PXIe-8130 User Manual
NI-VISA is the National Instruments implementation of the VISA
specification. VISA is a uniform API for communicating and controlling
USB, Serial, GPIB, PXI, VXI, and various other types of instruments. This
API aids in the creation of portable applications and instrument drivers. For
information on writing your own PXI instrument driver with NI-VISA,
refer to the NI-VISA Getting Started Manual and the readme.txt file in
the NI-VISA directory. For more information visit ni.com/visa.
With LabVIEW for Linux and support for over two hundred devices on
Linux with the NI-DAQmx driver, you can now create Virtual Instruments
based on the Linux OS. Instrument control in Linux has been improved by
the NI-VISA driver for Linux and NI Modular Instruments are partially
supported. For more information visit ni.com/linux.
CleaningUse a dry, low-velocity stream of air to clean the NI PXIe-8130 controller.
If needed, use a soft-bristle brush for cleaning around components.