National Instruments Corporation G-3 PC-DIO-24/PnP User Manual
Fft. feet
Hh hour
handshaked digital I/O a type of digital acquisition/generation where a device or module
accepts or transfers data after a digital pulse has been received. Also
called latched digital I/O.
hardware the physical components of a computer system, such as the circuit
boards, plug-in boards, chassis, enclosures, peripherals, and cables
hex hexadecimal
Hz hertz—the number of scans read or updates written per second
Iin. inches
Iin input current
Iout output current
interrupt a computer signal indic ating that the CPU should suspend its current
task to service a designated activity
interrupt level the relative priority at which a device can interrupt
I/O input/output—the transfer of data to/fro m a computer system inv olving
communications channels, operator interface devices, and/or data
acquisition and control interfaces
IRQ interrupt request
Kk kilo—the standard metric prefix for 1,000, or 103, used with units of
measure such as volts, hertz, and meters