©NationalInstruments Corporation 4-1 RTSeries DAQ DeviceUser Manual
LabVIEW RT Programming
Thischapter provides an overview of using LabVIEW Real-Time (RT) and
your RT Series DAQ hardware.

Targeting LabVIEW RTand Downloading VIs

InLabVIEW RT, select Operate»Switch Execution Target to access the
SelectTarget Platform dialog box, shown in Figure 4-1.
Figure4-1. Select Target Platform Dialog Box
Use the pull-downmenu to select where you want to run VIs. Wh en you
selecta target platform, the RT Development System downloads any
VIy ou subsequently run to that targetplatform. Selecting Host PC
(LabVIEW for Windows) makes LabVIEW RTbehave like LabVIEW
for Windowson the host PC.
AnyRT Series DAQ device that you configure with Measurement &
Automation Explorer (MAX) appears in the pull-down menu. The menu
selection for each devicedisplays the device number, for example,
DAQ::1, where1 is the device number. Click the Reset device checkbox
in the Select Target Platform dialog box to reset the RTSeries DAQ
device.Any VIs you previously downloaded to the RT Series DAQdevice
are aborted and unloaded from memory.Click Configure in the