Chapter2 Installationand Configuration
©NationalInstruments Corporation 2-3 RTSeries DAQ DeviceUser Manual
Figure2-1. Measurement & Automation Explorer
Notice that MAX assigns separate device numbers to the PCI/PXI-7030
deviceand the DAQ daughterboard, as shown in Figure 2-1. The DAQ
daughterboard is shownas a separate device under the 7030 processor
board.H owever,the daughterboard has a device number that is different
from the 7030 processor board.
Youneed the device numbers of your RT Series DAQhardware to
downloadand run LabVIEW RT VIs to your RT Series DAQdevices.You
canchange device numbers and other configuration settings for the devices
using MAX. Changes to these settings do not take effecton the RT Series
DAQdevice until you reset the device.
Youcan test the resources of the 7030 processor board using MAX.
However,you cannot test resources or run test panels for the DAQ
daughterboard.Even though the daughterboard is configured using the host
PC, the daughterboard is actually located on the local PCI bus of the RT
Seriesprocessor board. Therefore, only LabVIEW RT applications targeted
to the7 030 processorboard can access the DAQ daughterboard, and the
resourceconfiguration of the daughterboard cannot be tested from the host
PC. Youdo not need to test the resource configuration, because National
Instruments configures the DAQdaughterboard, and the resources do not
change.In addition, applications run on the host PC cannot access the DAQ