Chapter 5 Using the SCXI-1125
SCXI-1125 User Manual 5-12
7. Change the property to read or write to either get the property or write
a new value. Right-click the property, go to Change To, and select
Write, Read, or Default Value.
8. After you have added the property to the property node, right-click the
terminal to change the attributes of the property, add a control,
constant, or indicator.
Figure 5-2. LabVIEW Channel Property Node with Lowpass Frequency Set at 10 kHz
on Channel SC1Mod1/ai0
9. To add another property to the property node, right-click an existing
property and left-click Add Element. To change the new property,
left-click it and select the property you wish to define.
Note Refer to the LabVIEW Help for information about property nodes and specific
NI-DAQmx properties.
Specifying Channel Strings in NI-DAQmxUse the channel input of DAQmx Create Channel to specify the
SCXI-1125 channels. The input control/constant has a pull-down menu
showing all available external channels. The strings take one of the
following forms:
• single device identifier/channel number—for example SC1Mod1/ch0
• multiple, noncontinuous channels—for example SC1Mod1/ch0,
• multiple continuous channels—for example SC1Mod1/ch0:4
(channels 0 through 4)
• cold junction channel—SC1Mod1/_cjtemp
When you have a task containing SCXI-1125 channels, you can set the
properties of the channels programmatically using the DAQmx Channel
Property Node.