© National Instruments Corporation G-7 SCXI-1125 User Manual
multiplexed mode An SCXI operating mode in which analog input channels are multiplexed
into one module output so that your cabled DAQ device has access to the
module’s multiplexed output as well as the outputs on all other multiplexed
modules in the chassis through the SCXIbus.
mux multiplexer—A switching device with multiple inputs that sequentially
connects each of its inputs to its single output, typically at high speeds, in
order to measure several signals with a single analog-to-digital converter.
NNC not connected
NI-DAQ The driver software needed to use National Instruments DAQ devices and
SCXI components.
noise Analog. Unwanted signals. Noise comes from both external sources, such
as the AC power line, motors, generators, transformers, fluorescent lights,
soldering irons, CRT displays, computers, electrical storms, welders, and
radio transmitters, and internal sources, such as digital clocks,
microprocessors, and switched mode power supplies. Video system noise
can take various forms, including snow, which is a random video noise. It
corrupts signals you are trying to send or receive.
Ooffset error A constant error added to a measurement along the whole transfer curve.
For example, in mx+b, the offset error is b.
offset null
The provision in strain-gauge signal conditioning hardware to remove the
unwanted offset voltage present at the output of a strain-gauge bridge when
no strain is applied.
Pparallel mode A type of SCXI operating mode in which the module sends each of its
output channels directly to a separate analog input channel of the DAQ
device connected to the module.
passband The range of input frequencies that are passed to the filter output without