SCXI-1125 User Manual G-10
Tthermocouple A temperature sensor created by joining two dissimilar metals. The
junction produces a small voltage as a function of the temperature.
typ typical
UUL Underwriters Laboratory
VDC volts direct current
VI virtual instrument—(1) a combination of hardware and/or software
elements, typically used with a PC, that has the functionality of a classic
stand-alone instrument (2) a LabVIEW software module (VI), which
consists of a front panel user interface and a block diagram program.
virtual channels Channel names that can be defined outside of the application and used
without having to perform scaling operations. Virtual channels are called
custom channels in MAX 3.0 and later.
voltage excitation A source that supplies the voltage needed by a sensor for its proper
Vrms volts, root mean square
Wworking isolation A level of protection pertaining to a working voltage.
working voltage The highest voltage that should be applied to a product in normal use,
normally well under the breakdown voltage for safety margin.