Chapter 5 Using the SCXI-1125
SCXI-1125 User Manual 5-22
Note NI strongly recommends monitoring the built-in error status of each NI-DAQ
function. The NI-DAQ C API provides the NIDAQErrorHandler function, which ensures
that a specified NI-DAQ function executed properly, and assists in handling error messages
and reporting.
Configure Module Settings Using Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) C API
After configuring the hardware for acquisition, you must load the various
channel attributes such as filter, gain, and excitation appropriate for your
application explicitly using the NI-DAQ function calls shown in Table 5-8.
For more information regarding each setting, refer to the Traditional
NI-DAQ (Legacy) Function Reference Help installed by default in
Start»Programs»National Instruments»NI-DAQ.
Table 5-7. Configuration Functions
Function Description
SCXI_Reset Resets the hardware such as the specified module to its default state.
You also can use SCXI_Reset to reset the SCXI chassis Slot 0 scanning
circuitry or reset the entire chassis.
The SCXI-1125 default conditions are:
Gain set at 1000.0
4 Hz lowpass filter
SCXI_Load_Config Loads the SCXI chassis configuration information you established in
MAX. Sets the software states of the chassis and the modules present to
their default states. This function makes no changes to the hardware
state of the SCXI chassis or modules. It is possible to programmatically
change the configuration you established in MAX using the
SCXI_Set_Config function.
SCXI_SCAN_Setup Initializes multiplexing circuitry for a scanned data acquisition
operation. Initialization includes storing a table of the channel sequence
and gain setting for each channel to be digitized (MIO and AI devices
only). You cannot repeat channels or use nonsequential channels when
using the SCXI_SCAN_Setup function.
SCXI_MuxCtr_Setup Programs the E Series DAQ device with the correct number of channels
multiplexed per scan. This number must match the total number of
channels programmed in SCXI_SCAN_Setup.