Chapter 5 Using the SCXI-1503
© National Instruments Corporation 5-3 SCXI-1503 User Manual
General Discussion of Typical Flowchart
The following sections briefly discuss some considerations for a few of the
steps in Figure 5-1. These sections are meant to give an overview of some
of the options and features available when programming with NI-DAQmx.
Creating a Task Using DAQ Assistant or Programmatically
When creating an application, you must first decide whether to create the
appropriate task using the DAQ Assistant or programmatically in the ADE.
Developing your application using DAQ Assistant gives you the ability to
configure most settings such as measurement type, selection of channels,
excitation voltage, signal input limits, task timing, and task triggering. You
can access the DAQ Assistant through MAX or your NI ADE. Choosing to
use the DAQ Assistant can simplify the development of your application.
NI recommends creating tasks using the DAQ Assistant for ease of use,
when using a sensor that requires complex scaling, or when many
properties differ between channels in the same task.
If you are using an ADE other than an NI ADE, or if you want to explicitly
create and configure a task for a certain type of acquisition, you can
programmatically create the task from your ADE using functions or VIs.
Ifyou create a task using the DAQ Assistant, you can still further configure
the individual properties of the task programmatically with functions
orp roperty nodes in your ADE. NI recommends creating a task
programmatically if you need explicit control of programmatically
adjustable properties of the DAQ system.
Programmatically adjusting properties for a task created in the DAQ
Assistant overrides the original, or default, settings only for that session.
The changes are not saved to the task configuration. The next time you load
the task, the task uses the settings originally configured in the DAQ
Adjusting Timing and Triggering
There are several timing properties that you can configure through the
DAQ Assistant or programmatically using function calls or property nodes.
If you create a task in the DAQ Assistant, you can still modify the timing
properties of the task programmatically in your application.
When programmatically adjusting timing settings, you can set the task to
acquire continuously, acquire a buffer of samples, or acquire one point at a