© National Instruments Corporation I-1 SCXI-1503 User Manual


2-wire configuration of resistive devices, 2-4
3-wire resistive sensor
connected in 2-wire configuration, 2-5
lead-resistance compensation
with two matched current sources, 2-6
4-wire configuration of resistive devices, 2-3


adjusting timing and triggering, 5-3
AI 0 signal, multiplexing, 2-11
amplifier characteristics specifications, A-2
analog circuitry
analog input channels, 4-3
analog input channels, 4-3
analog input signal connections, 2-1
ground-referencing of signals, 2-2
analog input signals, multiplexed, 4-4
analog input specifications, A-1
amplifier characteristics, A-2
dynamic characteristics, A-3
input characteristics, A-1
transfer characteristics, A-1
developing in NI-DAQmx, 5-1
acquiring, analyzing, and
presenting, 5-7
completing, 5-8
LabVIEW, 5-8
program flowchart (figure), 5-2
programmable properties, 5-13
specifying channel strings, 5-11


cables, custom, 2-1
calibration, SCXI-1503, 5-13
CE compliance specifications, A-6
channel properties, configuring, 5-4
channels, voltage measurement flowchart
(figure), 5-2
analog, 4-3
digital control, 4-3
CJC source/value, 3-2
common questions, C-1
common software-configurable settings
CJC source/value, 3-2
gain/input range, 3-1
configuration, 3-1
channel properties, 5-4
common software settings, 3-1
settings in MAX
NI-DAQmx, 3-3
creating a global channel or
task, 3-3
verifying signal, 3-4
NI-DAQmx, 3-4
configuration and testing, 3-1
configuration settings, gain/input range, 3-1
configuring channel properties, 5-4
connecting resistive devices to SCXI-1503, 2-2
2-wire configuration, 2-4
3-wire resistive sensor connected in 2-wire
configuration, 2-5
4-wire configuration, 2-3
lead-resistance compensation
using 3-wire resistive sensor
and two matched current