Appendix A Specifications
SCXI-1503 User Manual A-2
Gain = 100
Calibrated1................................±25 μV max
±10 μV typ
With autozero enabled2............±10 μV max
±5 μV typ
Gain error (relative to calibration reference)
Gain = 1 or 100
Calibrated1................................0.074% of reading max
0.02% of reading typ
RTD Measurement AccuracyAmplifier Characteristics
Input coupling.........................................DC
Input impedance
Normal powered on.........................>1 GΩ
Input bias current....................................±2.8 nA
1 Assumes 1,000 point average, 25 °C ±10 °C over one year.
2 Assumes 1,000 point average, ±1 °C of autozero temperature.
Table A-1. RTD Measurement Accuracy
Temperature °C100 Ω Max °C 100 Ω Typ °C 1000 Ω Max °C 1000 Ω Typ °C
–100 to 0 0.60 0.23 1.09 0.46
0 to 25 0.62 0.23 1.11 0.47
25 to 100 0.69 0.25 1.20 0.49
100 to 500 1.11 0.37 1.68 0.65
500 to 1200 2.06 0.65 2.81 1.04
Notes: The accuracies in this table reflect using the module in4-wire mode. They do not include errors from the RTD
including lead-wire errors when using 2- or 3-wire connection.
The accuracies assume auto-zero is enabled and the environmental conditions are 25 °C ±10 °C over a one year period.
These accuracies were computed using a standard RTD with a TCR of 3851.