SCXI-1503 User Manual G-4
Jjumper a small rectangular device used to connect two adjacent posts on a circuit
board. Jumpers are used on some SCXI modules and terminal blocks to
either select certain parameters or enable/disable circuit functionality.
Llead resistance the small resistance of a lead wire. The resistance varies with the lead
length and ambient temperature. If the lead wire carries excitation current,
this varying resistance can cause measurement error.
Mm meters
M (1) Mega, the standard metric prefix for 1 million or 106, when used with
units of measure such as volts and hertz; (2) mega, the prefix for 1,048,576,
or 220, when used with B to quantify data or computer memory
MISO master-in-slave-out signal
MOSI master-out-slave-in signal
multiplex to route one of many input signals to a single output
multiplexed mode an SCXI operating mode in which analog input channels are multiplexed
into one module output so that the cabled E/M Series DAQ device has
access to the multiplexed output of the module as well as the outputs of all
other multiplexed modules in the chassis
NNC not connected (signal)
NI-DAQ the driver software needed in order to use National Instruments E/MSeries
DAQ devices and SCXI components
NI-DAQmx The latest NI-DAQ driver with new VIs, functions, and development tools
for controlling measurement devices.