© National Instruments Corporation G-3 SCXI-1503 User Manual
D GND digital ground signal
differential amplifier an amplifier with two input terminals, neither of which are tied to a ground
reference, whose voltage difference is amplified
DIN Deutsche Industrie Norme (German Industrial Standard)
DIO digital input/output
DoC Declaration of Conformity
software that controls a specific hardware device such as an E/MSeries
DAQ device
EEMC electromagnetic compliance
EMI electromagnetic interference
excitation a voltage or current source used to energize a sensor or circuit
EXT CLK external clock signal
Ggain the factor by which a signal is amplified, sometimes expressed in decibels
IID identifier
IEX+ positive excitation channel
IEX– negative excitation channel
in. inch or inches
input impedance the measured resistance and capacitance between the input terminals of a