Using the Listening Options (cont'd)
■If you press MF in the middle of a mes-
sage, NVM-Series will erase it when
you exit your mailbox unless auto save
is enabled or you save it.
■Amessage that you forward to a
Network Mailbox can be returned to
you. For a list of the reasons why, see
page 41.
■If you record a comment for a network
message and forward it to a non-net-
work mailbox, the message is no longer
considered a network message. What
this means is this: If the recipient press-
es TI during the message, NVM-Series
will say that the message is from you,
not from the remote sender. Also, if the
recipient records a reply, the reply will
be sent to you. So, to have a network
message retain its network status, do
not record a comment.
■To have NVM-Seriesnotify you as soon
as a recipient listens to the forwarded
messages, make sure you record a com-
ment. Then, when you are finished,
press ❋R for return receipt. (For
details, see page 47.)
■To have NVM-Seriescopy all your mes-
sages to another mailbox, (see page 55).
To have the Message
Forwarded to anoth-
er mailbox (including
network mailboxes),
Listening to Messages
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