Recording a Mailbox Greeting and Auto Attendant Do
Not Disturb
You can record up to three different personal greetings for your mail-
box to let callers know your whereabouts before they leave you a mes-
sage. NVM-Series plays the greeting that you select as "active."
Atypical greeting is:
Hello. I'm away from my desk right now. Please leave a mes-
sage at the tone, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
You may also want to record a greeting for vacation days, and one for
evenings. It's up to you. If you do not record a greeting, NVM-Series
lets the caller know how to leave a message.
Once a greeting is recorded, you can turn Auto Attendant Do Not
Disturb on or off.
■If you turn Auto Attendant Do Not Disturb on, Automated Attendant
calls will not ring your phone. This is great if you've got a lot of
paperwork to do and no time to spend on the phone. NVM-Series
immediately sends the caller to your mailbox and plays your greeting.
■If you turn Auto Attendant Do Not Disturboff, Automated Attendant
calls will try your phone. If you do not answer or are busy on a call,
NVM-Series plays your greeting. If you have forwarded calls to
your mailbox, you should turn off Auto Attendant Do Not Disturb.
Notes: (1) AMailbox Greeting can be recorded for Subscriber, Guest,
and Alias Network Mailboxes.
(2) If your Subscriber Mailbox is programmed with a Next Call
Routing Mailbox, a caller can press one or more codes during
or after your greeting to re-route their call. For example, after a
caller leaves you a message, they can dial someone else's
extension. (See the System Administrator for the type of
options programmed for your Next Call Routing Mailbox. It is
important that you include these dialing options in your mail-
box greeting. Otherwise, callers will not know about them.)
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