3G USB Modem Model AC327U
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do if I cannot access the Internet?
Try these troubleshooting tips:
•Check the network signal strength.
•Check whether you have activated the wireless online service. You can ask the local network operator how to activate it.
•If the wireless online service is activated, check the network settings. For more information, see Chapter 2, Connecting to the Internet.
Why is only part of the pasted content displayed when I create a text message?
When you create a text message, you can enter a maximum of 2048 English characters. If the number of characters of the pasted information exceeds the limit, the number of characters that are in excess are deleted automatically.
Why doesn’t a notification display when a message is received?
The message notification is not set. For more information, see Manage Text Messages on page 37.
Frequently Asked Questions