Observer®Software and WirelessLANs
6ObserverUser Manual Addendum(Wireless)
Configuring Observer for W ireless OperationOnce you have installed the wireless NIC and Network Instruments’ custom
driver,you will be able to see the wireless Probe in the Probe List. Check the
setupoptions beforeyou begin capturing packets.
1. StartObserver. If the new wirelesscard is the only installed NIC in your
system,the wireless Probe will appear in the Probe List under the
WirelessAdvanced Probes heading.
Ift he wireless card is installed along with other NICs, you may hav e to
Select a Different Network Adapter by choosing that option from the
Toolsmenu (or by clicking the NIC icon onthe too lbar). Observer will
display the list of available cards. Select the NI Analyzer driver for your
wireless NIC.
2. Once the wirelessProbe appears in the Probe list, right click on it and
chooseProbe or Device Properties…, which displa ys the Local Observer
Configuration dialog.
3. Clickon the 802.11b tab to display wireless properties:
4. Set the wireless configuration options to match your network.
Notethat if your wireless networkis configured for WEP,you must
activate WEP and enter the WE P key(s) in the Edit WEP Ke ys dialog in