NewFeatures for WirelessSupport
©Network Instruments,LL C 13
This letsyo u immediately see each statistic in its proper context. For example ,
anerror rate of 50% is insignificant if Observer has only analyzed two
packets,but quite significant if thousands of packets have been analyzed.
Thebar g raphs to the right of the dial show current bandwidth ut ilization (U),
theaverage strength (S), and the average quality (Q) of the signal. These
metersalso indicate (with watermark“floats”) the minimum and maximum
values that Observer has seen since the last polling peri od.
TopTalkers (Three New tabs)The TopTalkers statistical mode disp lays three tabs showing wireless data
whenObs erveris capturing packets via the wireless NIC: Wireless Types,
WirelessSpeeds, and WirelessLatest These tabs are described ind etailbelow.
Wireless Types
This display shows the type of each station sensed in the air: whether it is a
LAN stationtalking over the air to wireless stations, a wireless station, or an
AP.For stations, itshows which APs they are using. For APs, it displaysthe
ServiceSet Identifier (SSID) and whether WEP is enabled on that AP. It also
displaysControl, Data and Management totals per station. As with other
tabular displays in Observer, right-click on the column headings to configure
the column view.
Statistic Description
Alias Alias of the TopTalker system , if one is available.
Address MediaAccess Control (MAC) address,i.e., the “hardware address.”
Packets The totalnumber of packets sent by thesystem.
Management Thenumber of management packetssent by the system.
Control Thenumber of control packetssent by the system.
Data The number of data pa ckets sent by the system .
Probe Request The number probe requests sent by th e system.
Retries Thenumber of transmission retriessent by the system.
Type Thetypeof station: Wireless orAccess Point
APUs ed Theacce ss point used by the system.