NewFeatures for WirelessSupport
©N etwork Instruments, LLC 9
AvgQuality (%) Theaverage signal-to-noiseratio of the signal,expressed as a percent-
age of the optimum.
AvgD ata Rate Thea verage rate of data packets on the wirel ess network.
AvgRate Theaverage rate of allpackets (data+control+management+beacon)
on the wireless network.
Packets The total number of packet s seen.
Datapk ts
(Directed) Thetotal numberof data packets seen.
Multicasts Thetotal number of multicast packetsseen.
Bytes The total number of bytes seen.
CRC The total number of CRCerrors reported by the AP.
Retries The total number of transmissionretries reported by the AP.
Associations The number of associat ions (connection s essions) that have be en
established with this AP.
StationPolls Thetotal number ofpoll requests by station;a high number means that
astation cannotconnect to an AP.In the 802.11bprotocol, a stationfirst
pollsfor an AP,t henassociates with a responding AP.
MinQuality Thepoorestquality signalseen, expressed as a percentageof the
Max Quality The b est quality signal seen, exp ressed as a percentage of the
LatestQuality T hequality of the signalas seen at the last poll.
MinStrength Thelowest strengthsignal seen, expressedas a percentageo fthe
Max Strength The highest strength signal se en, expressed as a percentage of th e
LatestStrength The strengthof the signal seen at thelast poll.
MinData Rate The slowestdata rate seen, expressedin Mbits/sec.
MaxData Rate The fastest data rate seen,expressed in Mbits/sec.
Latest Data Rate The data rate seen at the last poll.
Statistic Description