NewFeatures for WirelessSupport
©Network Instruments,LL C 11
Network (Wireless)Vital SignsTostart Vital Signs,select Statistics from the main menu, then Network Vital
TheWireless Vital Signs mode shows current wireless activity mapped with
currentwireless error conditionson your WLAN. The Vital Signs mode
displaysa comprehensive snapshot of errorconditions and of their criticality
inthe context of current WLAN activity.To pin down aggregate problems
Packets Totalnumberof packets (data+control+management+beacon)seen.
Datapk ts
(directed) Totalnumber of data packets(packets with a payload and an
Beacons Totalnumber of beacons s een.
Bytes Totalnumb er of bytes seen.
Retries Totalnumb er of retries reported on this ch annel.
MinQuality Thepoorest quality signalseen, expressed as a percentageof the
MaxQuality Thebestquality signalseen, expressed asa percentage of the opti-
LatestQuality Thequality of the signalas seen at the last poll.
MinStrength Thelowest strength signalseen, expressed as a percentageof the
Max Strength The highest strength signa l seen, expressed as a pe rcentage of the
LatestStrength Thestrengthof the signal seen atthe last poll.
MinData Rate T heslowest data rate seen,expressed in Mbits/sec.
MaxData Rate Thefastest data rate seen,expressed in Mbits/sec.
Latest Data Rate The data rate seen at the last poll.
MinRate Theslowestrate of total throughputseen, expressed in Mbits/sec.
Max Rate
Thef astest rate of total packet throughput seen, expres sed in Mbits/sec.
LatestRate Therate of totalpacket throughputseen at the last poll.
Statistic Description