11.3.5. The individual SPTA set is packed in the case 4 (Fig. 7).
The case contains the spare rechargeable battery, pencil, eraser,
cloth and coordinate converter.
To preserve the rangefinder, proceed as follows:
- cap the rangefinder connectors by paper and tie a cord round;
- coat the range finder bright work with grease GОI-54P;
- pack up all range finder components in metallic package;
- secure all locks and hinges of package and with grease GОI-
- pack up the tripod in recess on package cover and fasten by
- insert rangefinder unit into polyethylene bag;
- insert the sack with silica gel into the bag and weld it.
13.1. The rangefinder is stored in closed rooms specially
equipped to provide weather protection, i.e. protection against
atmospheric precipitation, solar effects, dust, sand, wind, sharp
fluctuations of temperature and outside air humidity.
The storage room temperature is to be maintained between –40
°C and +50 °C and relative humidity of up to 98% taken at 35 °C
and below. Avoid moisture condensation in the premises.
13.2. Each rangefinder unit in wooden package is kept on a
wooden rack or shelf with handle up.
The principal parameters of the emitter with serial number
_______, fitted into the rangefinder, are as follows:
Ambient temperature
–40˚ C
50˚ C
Minimum operating pumping
voltage U oper.min. , V, max
Maximum operating pumping
voltage Uoper.max. , V, max
Pumping voltage temperature
coefficient ТКНn , V/˚C
Capacity of storage capacitors
Cc of emitter test set, F
The principal parameters of the control circuit board with serial
number _______, fitted into the rangefinder, are as follows:
Ambient temperature, ˚ C Pumping voltage Upump. , V
Normal conditions
Note: The principal characteristics of the emitter and the control
board, given in the above tables, are intended for service entities
as a reference data.