RANGEFINDER BINOCULAR LRB 20000 is an advanced
Laser Rangefinder system that provides instant distance
measurements consistently and accurately. The stereoscopic
device provides convenient observation with both eyes.
Therefore, the LRB 20000 eliminates a need for two separate
devices (binocular and rangefinder) combining both
requirements in a single device. It is designated for industrial-
technical purposes, ground surveillance, observation of
individual targets and measurement. It can be used in geological
and engineering survey, repair works, maritime navigation,
meteorology and tourism.
The rangefinder completed with the Angular Mount is designed
for referencing ground location point by the predetermined
landmark coordinates and is capable of:
- measuring horizontal angles and magnetic azimuths:
- measuring vertical angles and angles of elevation;
- determination of target and landmark polar coordinates;
- polar-to-rectangular landmark and target coordinate conversion
and determination of the OP and target coordinates from the
predetermined landmark coordinates.
The supplied software allows data acquisition on IBM PC
compatible computers in DOS/Windows environment. To start
communication with computer, do the following:
If you use Windows NT, 2000, XP, or 2003 Server:
- Turn off the computer.
- Insert the disk which is supplied with the LRB 20,0000A
into the floppy disk drive.
- Turn computer on and enter the BIOS SETUP in accordance
with the computer documentation.
- Set the address of LPT port as 378h, and port type as EPP. In
boot menu, choose the first bootable device as Floppy Drive.
Register the new settings.
- Proceed with loading, choose β€œ5” or just press β€œEsc” in
options menu. After full loading your computer will work
under MS-DOS.
- In line a:\> type BDEPP5 and press enter to launch the
communication program.
- Perform measurements as described in the manual. The
results will be shown in the communicator program window.