outstanding Service charges of Customer or any other amount owed to the Company. If Customer is terminating the Agreement, any remaining balance will be released to the Customer at the Customer’s last known address within approximately 90 days. If the Customer continues with the Agreement, any credit balance remaining after the deposit is applied will be applied to any amounts that may become owing to the Company in the future except that, at Customer’s request, amounts of $50 or more will be released to the Customer at the latest address known to Company within 30 days of the Customer request. In all cases, Customer agrees that any remaining balance will be retained by Company in the event the postal service is unable to deliver the funds to the Customer at the latest address known to Company. Company reserves the right to interrupt Services if Service appears to have excessive charges, payments are delinquent, any unusual calling patterns are observed on Customer’s account, or during public safety emergencies. Such interruption may be done to protect Customer or Company as the Company determines in its sole discretion, but in no event shall the Company be liable to the Customer or to any third party by reason of interrupting or failing to cause an interruption of Service.
10.RATES, CHARGES AND PAYMENT – The price established for Service is set forth in the current Company rate plan(s) selected by Customer. Company shall issue invoices for Service. Monthly Access charges shall be invoiced in advance. Airtime and long distance charges shall be invoiced in arrears. Customer is responsible to pay Company, on a timely basis, for charges for Service as set forth on the front of this Agreement, and any modifications thereto. If Customer elects to pay using a