Motor Drive | Nikon F3/F3 Hig h -Eyepoint/FGI |
MD -llIMD-12IMD-14 | EM/F2, |
| Motor Drive MD -2IMD-3IMD-E , |
| Cordless Battery Pack MB -l IMB- 2 |
Bracket SK-5 @
The Speedlight SB-l4's bracket can be attached to various camera and/or motor drive combinations. To change the attachment screw from one slot @ to another, slide it to the threaded end of the slot and unscrew it ; then screw it back into the threaded end of the other slot. Once screwed in, the attachment screw can be moved freely to any position along the slot. The diagram indicates the recommended position of the attachment screw for Nikon SLR cameras and motor drives.
Bracket Mounting Adapter ®
To detach the flash unit for off-camera flash operation, push the releasellocking wheel @ to the left and while holding it, tip the flash forward until the two white dots are aligned; then pull the flash unit away from the bracket.
Note: To detach the bracket mounting adapter from the flash unit's handle @'use a standard screwdriver to loosen the two screws on the face of the adapter.