See what one Nikon Speedlight can do
S p e e d l i g h t
Bright lights, big ideas – with only one Nikon Speedlight, you can:
Go the distance: more flash power
The Speedlights built into Nikon
| |
| more flash power. Connect a |
| Nikon external Speedlight and you can capture sub- |
| jects at a much greater distance with more balanced |
© Joe McNally | illumination. | |
Soften the light: bounce flash
Direct light can be harsh and leave a distracting shadow behind your subject. Try turn- ing the flash head toward a wall or ceiling and you’ll soften the light and get rid of the
shadow, creating a more flattering atmosphere for portraits.
Bounce flash | © Gordon Nash |
Nikon’s exclusive i-TTL:
a higher level of accuracy
The real breakthrough is Nikon’s moni- tor
Speedlight tips: Diffuser
Use a diffuser above the flash to soft- en the light and eliminate harsh shad- ows. This is useful in almost
any flash situation, includ- ing fill flash, for natural looking skin.
Gordon Nash — Wedding photographer (U.S.A.)
I shoot about 50 weddings a month, and nearly half of my images need a Nikon Speedlight. I always have one on my camera, with another ready for
As a professional wedding photographer, I face moving subjects, unpredictable shooting situations and limited prep time, so speed and intuition are vital to my success. That’s why I depend on the Nikon
Creative Lighting System. It’s easy to use and offers so many options, along with consistent exposure and performance. I have to be ready for that special moment at all times. The Creative Lighting System helps me do that.
Camera setting data: Camera and Speedlights: D200
Exposure mode:
Flash mode:
Image quality: RAW
© Gordon Nash
Easy, intelligent, amazing: The Nikon Creative Lighting System
Lighting is a vital component of all images, but the past complexities of flash photography have made many photogra- phers — even seasoned ones — hesitant to explore its full potential. Not any more. Working photographers around the world are discovering how Nikon’s Creative Lighting System brings simplicity and
Auto FP
Main subject’s exposure stays the same regardless of any compositional changes.
Capture the action: Auto FP High-Speed Sync
Indispensable to outdoor pho- tography, this enables action- stopping shutter speeds with fill flash. It is also important to portraiture, allowing you to use larger apertures for a more
pleasingly radiant ambient light. Your camera will automatically set itself to this mode if the shutter
© Joe McNally speed rises above the camera’s standard flash sync speed of 1/250 second.
Maintain the exposure: Flash Value (FV) Lock
The FV Lock (Flash Value Lock) maintains the same flash value for correct exposure during a sequence of photographs, allowing you to zoom in on your subject, change the composi-
tion or adjust the aperture, all without altering your intended exposure. That way you can concentrate on
© Joe McNally capturing your subject without worrying about adjust- ing the lighting.