Interchangeable Focusing Screens for the Nikon
Type A,L
Type B
Type A: Matte Fresnel field with 3mm¢circular
Matte Fresnel field with 12mm¢ finegroudd matte focusing spot in the center. Good for general photography, especially with long telephoto lenses.
Type C
Type D
Type E
Matte Fresnel field with 12mmp fineground matte spot and etched horizontal and vertical lines. Ideal for architectural photography.
Type G
Type H
Type J
Clear Fresnel field with
Clear Fresnel field with microprism focusing pattern over the entire screen area. Permits rapid focusing on any part of the screen with optimum
Matte Fresnel field with central microprism focusing spot and 12mm circle. Good for general photography.
Type K
Type M
Combination of Type A and J screens. Matte Fresnel field with 3mm¢
Fine ground Fresnel field with 5.5mm¢ clear spot and double crosshair for use in parallax focusing on aerial image, plus micrometer scales for calculation of individual magnification of objects or for measuring objects. Brilliant image in dim light. Suitable for