yMovie Mode

Choose movie mode to shoot high-definition (HD) or slow- motion (0 40) movies using the movie-record button.

HD Movies

Record movies with sound at an aspect ratio of 16 : 9.

1 Select movie mode.

Rotate the mode dial to 1. An HD movie crop with an aspect ratio of 16 : 9 will appear in the display.


2 Frame the opening shot.

Frame the opening shot with your subject in the center of the display.

ASee Also

See page 61 for fade in/fade out and frame size and rate options.

DThe 0Icon

A 0icon indicates that movies can not be recorded.

AAvailable Settings

For information on the options available in movie mode, see page 48.


Page 38
Image 38
Nikon J2 White, 6MVA3111 01 YMovie Mode, HD Movies, Record movies with sound at an aspect ratio of 16, Select movie mode